Expand description

A collection of widgets for the druid GUI framework


pub use dropdown::Dropdown;
pub use tree::Tree;
pub use tree::TreeNode;
pub use tree::TREE_NODE_REMOVE;
pub use wedge::Wedge;


Druid animation library
A stack based tooltip widget.
Loading themes from files.
A tree widget.


Generates Keys based on module, line and column
A macro for declaring a set of Keys that can be loaded from a file.
Matches on a command or notification.
Generates Selectors based on module, line and column


An advanced version of the slider, allowing interactive update of a numeric value.
A container that allows for arbitrary layout.
Builds a list selection widget, showed as a button, for which the different possible values appear as a dropdown.
A widget that changes size dynamically; the dynamic analogue to SizedBox.
A widget which filters a list for its inner widget.
Builds a simple list selection widget, for selecting a single value out of a list.
A widget that conditionally masks the child content and displays other content instead (the mask).
A Checkbox for Option instead of bool
A Radio which has further configuration for the value it represents
This is a wrapper widget that attempts to ensure that the widget it wraps is fully contained in one monitor.
A progress bar, displaying a numeric progress value.
A separator widget.
Stack of widgets
Stack child configuration
Stack child position
A TitleBar widget.
A Controller responsible for listening to mouse hovers and launching tooltip windows.
Data with explicit version.



Convenience trait for methods available on all contexts.
Convenience trait for code generic over contexts.
Convenience trait for cursor manipulation methods available on multiple contexts.
A version of Lens that can be made into a trait object.
Convenience trait for methods related to geometry and window position, available after layout.
Convenience trait for invalidation and request methods available on multiple contexts.
